Liberty-minded Atheists Fight Back Against Woke-rogue Bureaucrats in California

LAS VEGAS, NV — Atheists for Liberty, a national 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, is making their fourth consecutive appearance at FreedomFest. Our President, Thomas Sheedy, a Gen-Z atheist and policy expert, will be on hand for interviews to discuss the need for the Liberty Movement to stand shoulder-to-shoulder with atheists (agnostics, skeptics, free-thinkers) to defend the Establishment Clause.

Joining Thomas is Sundar Iyer, a nonreligious American, serial entrepreneur, and former employee of Cisco Systems who was discriminated against by the California Civil Rights Department (CRD) in 2020. The CRD, despite having explicit knowledge to the contrary, deliberately assigned him the Hindu religion. The CRD also assigned several, including atheist colleagues, the alleged religious practice of caste, while further violating the constitution by defining caste as a strict Hindu practice. Fighting for their dignity, Sundar, along with a coalition of both atheists and Hindus, is now suing the CRD in an ever-growing Establishment Clause case. No matter what state you are in, as American citizens, we have a strong First Amendment, which includes both Freedom of Religion and Freedom FROM Religion. This fight resonates with lovers of liberty everywhere and most visibly demonstrates the need for our judicial system and representatives to honor the First Amendment and our nation’s changing religious landscape.

Sheedy said, “Not only has this display of gross prejudice against our colleague shown the harm that religion can bring into people’s lives, Americans both religious and nonreligious alike want to be left alone without the crux of faith and fear interfering with their efforts to start businesses and raise families. Both culturally and legally, those such as Sundar should not have their rights trampled by a woke-rogue agency that defends those who support a politically corrupt bureaucracy and First Amendment violations. For this reason, I ask for the Liberty Movement to take notice, support Sundar and our mission, and defend our Constitution in its entirety.” Sheedy founded Atheists for Liberty, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that advocates for liberty, atheist normalcy, and secular government.

Atheists for Liberty will continue to fight for the separation of church and state for all Americans.